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Mort de rire xorc
j'y ai cru jusqu'a l'elementium

Message édité le 21-02-2006 à 11:29:50 par MindTwister

avec ca c'est bon c'est vous les roi du pvp

pourquoi ca sent le faaaake ?
houla blibli a laissé filtrer des informations sur les modifs du rogue du patch 1.13 !! oO
have fun
Citation :

- Backstab, Ambush, Sinister Strike and Hemorrhage now deal a fixed amount of damage. Eviscerate, Garrote, Rupture remain unchanged. This allows rogue class to be more in line with what developers originally intended.

- Blind range is changed to melee range. Now parry/dodge/block on blind is more consistent with its design.

- To blind a target, you have to be facing the target, and the target has to be facing you.

- With the new weather effects, when it's windy outside, Blinding Powder and Flash Powder will lose their effect, and you will be unable to use Blind or Vanish.

- Now there is a fatigue effect after using Sprint. When Sprint duration is over, you switch to walk-mode for 30 seconds.

- Blinding Powder and Thistle Tea now require Elementium Ore to craft.

- Opposing faction players typing something in /yell will now take you out of stealth.

- Hunter's Mark now deals 200 damage per second for it's duration, even after Hunter dies. This effect only happens to rogues.

- Same with Fearie Fire.

- Dodge no longer works while in combat. The inconsistent tooltip will be changed accordingly.

- Rogues no longer gain Attack Power from Agility. We hope Mages will stop crying after this change.

- Battle Shout, Windfury Totem, Blessing of Might, Trueshot Aura have been greatly buffed, to balance the change made to Agility. Now the disparity of Rogue DPS in PvE raids vs PvP, is greater than ever before. However, all other classes still have the ability to whine about Rogue DPS being highest, based on Damage Meters, without realizing how low it is in PvP.

- Enemy warriors entering within 20 yards will now make you run around in Fear. Until you die.

- We have determined that all classes except warriors, have less than enough anti-Rogue abilities. So we will be making the following changes:

Mage: Arcane Explosion Rank 1 now takes all Rogues out of stealth within the same zone.
Warlock: Death Coil has no cooldown against Rogues, and has a range of 100 yards.
Priest: When a rogue strikes a Priest, he has a 50% chance to be effected by Psychic Scream.
Hunter: All Rogues will now show on their World Map.
Shaman: Earthbind Totem will now immobilize all Rogues in the same zone.
Paladin: Now Paladins have 90% damage reduction against Rogues.
Druid: When a rogue strikes a druid, he has a 50% chance to be shapeshifted into a Tree. Lasts 3 minutes.

- Also, all classes now receive a 40% increased stun resistance.

- We have discovered that Ambush + Backstab is the most powerful combo in the game. I mean, it does like 8000 damage according to forum posts. So we decided to change the total energy of a Rogue from 100 to 60.

- When a finishing move fails, now you lose all your combo points.

- You have a 10% chance to get disarmed while using slice&dice. Afterall, it can't be that healthy to swing that fast.

- Rogues were never intended to have any party/raid buffing abilities. But we still see some groups inviting rogues. To keep things balanced, now Rogues have a constant passive aura, which reduces nearby party member stats by 20%.

( thread original )
si j'ai pas blind j'ai imp rupture et poison affaiblissant, +sprint dans le pire des ça ne m'arrive JAMAIS de n'avoir aucun de mes cd up à part en BG tendu, c'est tout l'avantage de la spé finesse, entre les -1mn30 de cd et préparation j'ai tjr de quoi faire.
cramer vanish pour achever un mec je considere pas que ce soit du gaspillage, tout dépend de la situation.

et de toutes façons la plupart des mecs j'ai pas besoin de blind ni vanish, ils meurent avant (mon truc de base c'est cs-ks-gouge-refufu-cs à 2sec, ça fait du ~5K sur tissu). et pourtant j'ai vraiment pas le template max dps. faut pas oublier que quand le mec va voir les 3/4 de ses pv partis pendant son stun il ne va penser qu'à s'enfuir, ce qui te simplifie la tâche.

of course pour ceux en plate c'est différent
Trés bien et si tu a pas blind ! faut savoir jouer sans certaine chose la plupart du temps et sérieusement si tu veut gaspiller ton vanish pour sa lol
quelle bande de noob oO
les diminushing returns sont spécifiques à chaque coups déja. et ils sont reset 15sec apres la fin du coups.
donc cs-ks-gouge = 15.5sec, soit 11,5sec depuis la fin du cs, si tu blind au lieu de gouge tu repars sur un cs/ks/gouge sans diminushing returns, idem si tu attends 4 sec apres ton gouge pour vanish/cs en instant.

learn2time !
je déconne
LOL désoler mais par contre je voit pas ou est-ce que je peut voire l'heure de publication
Je répondais à flint, mate l'heure de publication de nos messages
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